
Key points about the underground.

1. What for in the world? Firstly, thought,design and specie heroes under the Celestial City. Secondly, maybe because the successor's old sword is formidably long. 2. There is not any religios goal in the underground. There is not any big …

About 500 Americans may have visited (Adams&Co)

this web from U.S. newspapers for these several days. Thank you very much. A pair of jackets of old cloth.

A,A,A stars have already turned up numberlessly. Enough. What for does the underground have to go on? Basically the requisite cost is too much.

1. The first key word. Legacy. The underground is sometimes called 'three thousand years old movement'. The English underground is just the successor. Masonry, mummy sledge, sight through a pinhole from the closet, Eastern-Western intercha…

From Pyramid’s masonry to one-royal-tree fostering (Adam’s)

This dirty helping hand cannot have his name for ever to be honored for authorship.

The compulsory is not art but utility. (Adams&)

1. The first for three hunred years must be unable to get any TPO encountering everywhere in the world. At first it could not be accepted formally and understood justly on any table of polices, TVs, papers, and Governments. The world may h…

Just making found out beastly?

1. By hearsay. "We do not want to be placed on the ordinary American citizenship, if this course is unavoidable. We are originally not at all criminals." 2. Far more people in Japan has and are having the similar history. But perhaps they …

I am silly.silly,silly. You, too? (Adams&Co)

Do you see my mind saying what then moreover?   I have done too much unknownly.

1. Any of plotting underground has not become history. Nothing has ever been reported onto any history. Completely being covered for hundreds of years, what a strange thing for human creatures all, for the hstory on the only planet the Ear…

The internals of World History to be discovered (Adams&Co

One fragment of the poor legacy of the reporter's mother. She could not throw away any piece of cloths. To the last she was not able to get to understand any abandoning.

入れ換え事件の手口 (Newt & Darwin)

一般的には、地下室、予備校、自動車学校合宿あるいは旅宿室内、車内、ビデオ会等での薬物入り飲食事件が多い。 飲み物を携帯しよう。 また病院治療室での催眠剤吸引や密室でのスポイト注射、ガム、マスク等の使用が考えられる。


The country that uniquely has odorless supermarkets.

(with the help of a Japanese copier's hand) In 1950s, Mr. Oda, a young Japanese author, was astonished at being in odorless American supermarkets. Perhaps because of wrapping of every raw food. Then, Japan was still one stinking nude-fish-…

Shitnation America means that America is (Adams&Co)

(Just a copying hand shouldn't show up and line up. No name justly.)

入れ換え事件の手口 (Newt & Darwin)

一般的には、地下室、予備校、自動車学校合宿あるいは旅宿室内、車内、ビデオ会等での薬物入り飲食事件が多い。 飲み物を携帯しよう。 また病院治療室での催眠剤吸引や密室でのスポイト注射、ガム、マスク等の使用が考えられる。 もはや上の家の者が住む家の…

「る」 と 「後」 とで日本国土は解明される 

1. る。 日本国史においてなかなかの著名人の多数派であるようだ。 スタートにおいて、庶子であることを伏せて旧家名家に抱え込まれ、出世街道を驀進した懐かしい文学者や政治家も少なくないと見ている。 ロシア人との混血。 シベリア流刑者の子孫という意味…