
[ Signature - Thank you very very much for your information, Mr. Adams and the honorable Company.  Now I understand.

以上以下、執筆者は地下組織スタッフ(Adams&Co)である。 事務員も覚えがなければ手伝いは不可能であるが、他人の名誉を盗む事はできない。 (A copier here is just a volunteer help, not a thief, to the last. All text should not be his own. No reward …

To be a murderer or a beggar, that's the common question.  In this embraced world,

especially in Japan from of old. The beautiful suit well-educated are often those who have carried out homicide and could escape revelation. They usually say we are of better-blood than a beggar. The most appalling fraud in the world. What…