捕まえたぞ。 I got it ! (P.Bush)

(「ウンもスンもなく死んでしまうのか」 という発言を記念するみたいに、斜向かいに運針商売の花田テーラーさんが店を開いていた。 
"This house is really of an old shrine. Other houses all have their ghost of some Japanese robbed of his nationality by them. And, no one of this house can help being despised at last? Only 'ghost' houses keep prevailing? How so?" The tree is saying.)
■ Thank you very very much for your information, Mr. Adams and the honorable Company.  Now I understand.


 事務員も覚えがなければ手伝いは不可能であるが、他人の名誉を盗む事はできない。  (A copier here is just a volunteer help, not a thief, to the last.

All text should not be his own. No reward and no name for this volunteering. But even a reporter help himself has to know things to be a reporter.)