

これを称してハンコ作戦という。 預かり人である義兄の牛崎氏を丸め込む為の悪戯行為であったようだ。 牛崎氏はかつての伊達藩士であった。 連判状に藩主の名が並んでいると思い込ませようとしたのである。 (やっとの事で育て上げた貧家の子供相手に 「仙台…

Tomorrow, I will write about the fact that who is the principal of rape and murder at the beginning.

This must be checked and referred for justice. The case is supposed to have happened about 1720. The first stage of the English underground 'movement' on Japan's land.

Oh, I remember that I have once been detained by police

as a protester. Otherwise, never been arrested by police. TIME this week made me remind of the reality of the far-off past.