Mifune Toshiro in Japan's old movies was reasoning and recounting the past and present of Mifune Toshiro himself.

As the coclusion of the movies' long criminal investigation, a great work, Akahige was produced, directed by Kurosawa.
Did Mifune abuse a thirty-year-old girl?
That has been the important question.
Becuse it is the question which decides whether originally Mifune is a gentleman or a foul man.
The memory and the character tells that he was always stately and self-confident all the day.
Humph! Humph! Humph! on every page of his biography. (Not feigning to be Mr. Humphrey.)
He dosed the girl with opium probably.
Not for robbery or raping.
Just for verifying. For ascertaining that the powder in her sister's hand is opium or the like.
Thenceforth Mifune has to play private police now and then. (But, was the first Mifune as dirty as Dirty Hurry on that day?)
Then Mifune may not yet have been controled by underground.
What had happened in his village?